Display Advertising

Display advertising also known as online banner advertising refers to the use of rich media i.e. images, videos and audio to reach out to prospective customers across a wide variety of channels across the digital sphere. Display Advertising is considered as a powerful advertising strategy that can help to either build brand awareness in front of a highly targeted audience or remarket your brand to website visitors who did not perform an intended action on the website e.g. making a purchase, filling in the contact form.

At Websites ‘N‘ More we have a team of digital marketing who can help you craft powerful display marketing campaigns in order to market and remarket your brand in front of a highly targeted audience. From choosing the right display marketing platform to creating compelling banner ads and choosing the right targeting strategy to monitoring the campaign to make changes, we will work in a highly systematic manner throughout the campaign with the aim of achieving a positive return on investment (ROI) or return on advertising spend (ROAS) to further grow your business.

Some of the key elements we focus on during a display marketing campaign

The Goal of the Campaign

What are you trying to achieve from the campaign? Building brand awareness, getting more conversions, building a subscriber list, getting more leads or more sales. Once we have a clear goal for the campaign we can set the tone for the message that needs to be delivered in the ad.

The Audience

Display advertising offers the option to run ads using various targeting methods therefore it is important that we define the target audience for a campaign in order to achieve our campaign goals more effectively. Some of these methods include, geographical targeting, demographical targeting and remarketing.

The Tools

Based on the budget and the goals of the campaign we choose the right platforms to run the display advertising campaign. Some of these options include using publishers, programmatic platforms, media agencies or online advertising networks.

The Banners

The graphics of the banners used for the campaign are the most important piece of the puzzle while running a banner advertising campaign. Typically we only have a few moments to grab a user’s attention and make an impression through a banner therefore the banner needs to be compelling enough in order to engage a user. Some of the important aspects that need to be covered while designing the banners include, the brand story, graphics, content, clear call to action.

Landing Page

The landing page should essentially reinforce the message to the audience and allow them to take an action in the quickest possible manner. Some of the concepts that come into play while designing a landing page include, visual hierarchy, content, call to action, user flow, and graphics/design.


Tracking the results of the campaign in order to obtain insights into user behaviour and thus take important decisions that can help us achieve even better results for the campaign. The aim is to reduce the dollar per click and maximise the ROI and ROAS.

Do you want expert advice for your display marketing campaign? Get in touch with Websites ‘N’ More.